Medical Analysis is a profession, which is very interesting and challenging. It is not merely transcribing a physician's dictation on to a nice looking Word document. It needs a good amount of knowledge about the medical language, anatomy, physiology, disease processes, pharmacology, laboratory medicine, and the internal organization of medical reports. A Medical Analyst must be aware of standards and requirements that apply to the medical record, importance of keeping accurate record of patient's complaints, diagnosis, treatment plan and prescription as well as the legal significance of medical records. He should have the analytical skills required to recognize and identify mistakes made by the physicians unknowingly. His mind, ears and eyes should be fully on the task in hand. So, quality training is inevitable.

It is a must to have training from a highly successful and experienced firm doing Medical Analysis work for a minimum of 5 years. Remember, you are not considering this training to get another certificate or another title after your name. This training is for a life long career in Medical Analysis. The real question is whether the company that trains you has job openings and has the proven track record of hiring after training. Remember the proverb "the proof (test) of the pudding is in the eating". Talk to people who are employed in successful medical analysis companies and ask their opinion about many training companies in Kerala. Spectrum by all means is the apt place to get trained.

Spectrum's primary business is providing Medical Analysis service to its clients in the USA. It is conducting its training only because it cannot find enough people who can provide quality service. Therefore, its existence and your future success as a Medical Analyst depend on the training you have undergone. At Spectrum, we offer the best quality training available today. Our faculty is well experienced from this industry. Apart from a four months theory class, the candidate is given a rigorous coaching in the lab for two months so that the candidate can do their best when put into production.

Our growing interests in Medical Analysis has inspired us to provide intensive global-level training in Medical Analysis. We are keen to nurture truly world-class Medical Analysts, provide them the edge, which only a leader can give. We believe that quality training is the key to success.

Medical Analysis is much beyond language proficiency, comprehension and reproduction capabilities. Only a formidable player, with wider perspective and deep field knowledge can nurture and fine-tune nascent skills, and help to evolve into hard-core professionals.

So, step into the exciting world of promising career in Medical Analysis. A most happening world that throws open brighter prospects before you, where you can realize your dreams and life goals. The uniquely designed six months training program of Spectrum aims to make every incumbent a total expert in this field.

On the successful completion of the training, you will be absorbed by Spectrum as Medical Analysts.


The career prospect of a Medical Analyst increases with his experience, accuracy, speed and judgment capability. From being a MA, you can get promoted to Senior MA, where you edit and verify the reports typed by the analysts.

The next level is Medical Analyst Manager, where you review the documents edited by the Senior Analysts. The Medical Analyst Manager double-checks the quality of the documents before passing it to the client.

With adequate experience and skills, you can further grow to become a Production Manager or Quality Control Manager


Every year we have a good number of Medical Analysts coming out in flying colours from Cochin and Trivandrum center.


Out of the 13 batches that had successfully completed the MA course so far, 86% of the candidates are working with us. Currently we have three batches undergoing training.